Suncorp Stadium Entry Signage 26metres x 3.6metre  GE Tetra Contour LED


In 2014 Violent Hail storms damaged the 2 iconic Suncorp Stadium Neon Signs. Suncorp required an exact visual replacement, but with a robust LED Neon replica product. This is the largest LED installation of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere. Just over 2km of LED product was used.  1700metres of rigid green LED rods and 120 Power supplies were installed first. Off-site the letters and logo were fabricated using 230m white, 40m red & 120m of amber LED which were heat formed into shape and then inset into the letters and then installed on top of the Green background. Besides the logistical challenges it was critical to look exactly like neon and design the layout to balance the intensity of the green rods and not overwhelm the logos.

Signmanager are the Project Managers and are based in Brisbane,  LEDWorks designed the sign using neon Look alike Contour LEDs from GE in the USA.  Fabrication was completed in Adelaide  by 3D Letters & the sign was locally assembled by Country Wide Installers in-between concerts and football events.  A great team effort – fitting for a sports stadium

Read more about the project via the Project Managers – Signmanagers Case Study

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